PRODUCT PAGE TEMPLATE - Artech Industries, Inc.

Double Ended Beams

70210 Load Cell


Model 70210, a double ended shear beam, is ideal for low profile pitless truck scales, tank and track scales. The cell is constructed of high alloy tool steel for repeatability and use in rugged areas where shock and overloading situations exist. The gage areas are environmentally protected with a thick, double water resistant seal and stainless steel plates. Load cells are supplied with an integral 30 feet of cable.

  • 5K to 250K pound capacity
  • Environmentally protected / IP67
  • Mounting hardware available for various applications
  • NTEP certified versions available for Class III 5000 division, Class III L 10000 division.
  • Stainless Steel version available
  • Factory Mutual (F.M.) Approved
  • LE version also available for 15K, 20K, and 150K pound capacities


Standard Capacities (lbs.)5K, 10K, 20K, 50K, 60K, 100K, 150K, 200K, 250K
Excitation Voltage10VDC - Maximum 15VDC
Rated Output3.0 mv/v ± 0.10%
Non-Linearity< 0.03% FSO (Full Scale Output)
Hysteresis< 0.02% FSO
Non-Repeatability< 0.01% FSO
Zero Balance± 1.0% FSO
Bridge Resistance700 ohms ±7.0 ohms
Safe Overload150% of Rated Capacity
Temperature - Compensated Range0 - 150 deg. F
Temperature - Effect of Output< 0.0008% FSO/deg. F
Temperature - Effect on Zero< 0.0011% FSO/deg. F
Material/FinishNickel/Chrome Plated




  • Tensile Testing
  • Force Measurement
  • Crane Scales
  • Tank and Hopper Weighing
  • Truck Scales